These tests are based on United States high school-level academic skills.
Visit: for a list of countries internationally that accept the GED.
In South Africa, the GED is a Grade 12 equivalent credential (NQF 4). You can start preparing for your exams from the age of 15.
You may only write your exams when you are 17. The GED® exam is made up of 4 subjects (English, Maths, Science, and Social studies) broken into four separate exams. You do not have to take all 4 exams at once — you can space them out and go at your own pace.
After passing your exams get your credential certified by SAQA and you then may register for a tertiary NQF5( Higher Certificate)* or NQF 6 ( Diploma)* course at a tertiary institute (footnote :*candidates own responsibility to check the admission requirements of the courses they wish to take) and start a course of study thereafter towards a Diploma, or depending on entry requirements, a degree.
Boston City Campus admits GED students to a Degree: to meet the Degree admission criteria, GED applicants will need to achieve a score of 155 or more in their RLA test and a combined score of 625+for all four assessments. This excludes the Bachelors in Accounting.
At Northside Tutors we endeavour to make your GED journey a success. To find out more about the GED you can visit:
We present weekly tutor sessions on the four subjects in the Pretoria North area:
English: Reading and Language arts.
Maths: Mathematical Reasoning
Social Studies.